#000 - Progress Update June

June 26, 2020 • Written by David

Note: not every update needs to be a podcast or a video, thought I’d mix things up with a written update - let me know if you like this.

We are focusing on the SPN

As mentioned in the most recent video update the last few weeks we went full heads-on into progressing the Safing Privacy Network. It is kinda exciting knowing this is the last big, unreleased module before we achieve our big milestone: “completing” the Safing machinery as planned. Of course, the work won’t stop there since we will improve, scale and polish every aspect of our software, but having every cog in place for the first time will be a thrilling moment.

The SPN is making progress

Many things go into making the SPN a reality. But having the Portmaster as a base is helping out a lot. Thank you for all your reported issues! It helped us fix bugs and improve overall performance. All this work will immediately benefit the SPN once it goes live.

Successful Test-Network
We also successfully deployed a test-network, so servers are already up and communicating with each other. This only applies to an internal test, but it is good progress!

Accout Server API
To gain access to the SPN you need a Safing account. For this we are building an API which the Portmaster client will call over a proxy server. There are a lot of technical details going into this, of which we will give you a more detailed update later. But safe to say: lots of progress on that front.

We still need a few weeks

But in the end, the network is not ready yet. We still need a few weeks to get ready to finish setting everything up and letting all the Marvins & Visionary backers into the network. The current target is by the end of July, and then we’ll see how to scale it up from there. Be assured: our goal is to give access to you all as soon as possible.

We’re thankful for all your trust and support and I hope we are keeping you in the loop sufficiently - if not let me know!

Completed lots of Reporting & Planning

Currently we are mainly funded through grants & loans - and hence, the grantee often requires regular reporting regarding the current state of affairs. We fully understand its need, still this is often very time intensive work. We had to conclude several major reports this month.

Another aspect that easily gets overlooked is planning. Getting all the bits and pieces to work together so the momentum can keep going takes a lot of effort. We are happy to have made progress in both of these areas.

A Podcast on Deadlines, Design & Tailwind

Something very enjoyable this week was being back in the podcasting game and recording next weeks episode. I got together with Luke - the mastermind behind the new website - and we talked about deadlines, high-pressure environments, different CSS frameworks, his designs & company identity. Dropping next Monday.

Anyway, that’s all for this update, see you around!

Previous Video #005 - A Fresh New Look