
Dreaming of a future Safing

December 13, 2019


After last weeks blog post talking about our next 5 steps, Daniel and David get together to talk about the long term dreams of Safing. What do we hope to achieve the next 5 years and beyond that? Starting with the SPN and its tight integration to the application firewall: From deciding the exit country on a per app/domain basis to enabling your computer to make use of two internet connections at once. All while still keeping it simple so everyday users can enjoy privacy. And Daniel even outlines his dreams about the times after we achieved all of those steps. Enjoy the listen.


- Last weeks blog post: https://safing.io/blog/2019/12/06/the-next-5-steps-for-safing/
- SPN Whitepaper: https://safing.io/files/whitepaper/Gate17.pdf


What could we do better? Let us know how we can improve our podcast on reddit:

- r/safing: https://reddit.com/r/safing

Daniels Handles

- https://twitter.com/dehaavi/
- https://github.com/dhaavi/
- https://reddit.com/user/dhaavi

Davids Handles

- https://twitter.com/davegson/
- https://github.com/davegson/
- https://reddit.com/u/davegson/
Previous Blog Post The next 5 Steps for Safing