Company Journey Update

October 19, 2023 • Written by Raphael

Safing is all about pushing the boundaries of online privacy and bringing privacy to all people.

We want to take everyone along on this journey: Safing is not about making big money together with investors, but it is deeply connected with the community that supports Safing and enables us to truly focus all our decision on the benefit of our users.

This is why we are now sharing our current financial progress in Portmaster: As of October 2023 the Safing team is funded to 62%* by people subscribing to Portmaster Plus & Pro.
We share this because we feel that you are as invested into Portmaster as we are, and we count on your support to help us get that number up to 100%.


Help us get to 100% by subscribing to Portmaster Pro or Plus:


If you would rather donate instead, there are two easy options:

Donate via Open Collective Donate via GitHub

Together we can make it!

What would happen if we go beyond the 100%? We would hire more people – hire someone who can focus on Android! Portmaster has a lot of places where we want it to grow, and together we can accomplish that.

If we can’t make it to 100% in time, we will downsize further. We chose to go with you, the community, and not take investors on board because we believe that investor influences can hurt Portmaster in the long-run.

Some History: Safing has been in business for almost 7 years now. We made Portmaster available as an alpha back in 2020 and released version 1.0 late last year. Portmaster and SPN are the only products we develop. We keep a tight focus and invest everything into providing you with the best application firewall and privacy suite out there. The initial development has been funded by multiple FOSS and Research Grants. Read more about them on our Influences Page.
Some of those grants were one-time-only and others would have been designed to get us into the venture capital direction, which we decided not to go with.

Help us make Portmaster the best it can be: Come on board and take a stake in a long and fruitful future!
To everyone who has already subscribed: Thank You Very Much! You push boundaries and bring privacy to the masses.

*Percentage of costs Safing can cover with revenue only, based on the last three full months on average

October 19, 2023 • Written by Raphael

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